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Posted - Feb 03 2022 :  12:25:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's already past noon, but wanted to say Happy Anniversary to MaryJane and Nic.

Life has been busy and we have been fighting the "C" but we are ok. We got the "O" varient so just fighting it off.

There were some delays, but we are slowly moving to WA, trailer load by trailer load. Have both places to maintain so it is a challange, but who doesn't love one! HaHa

Hope everyone is healthy and safe during these challanging times.
Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

To Succeed In This Life You Need Three Things: A Backbone, A Wish Bone and a Funny Bone. As quoted by Reba McEntire


7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2022 :  05:46:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Darla. Good to hear from you and find out you're still making progress on your Washington move. Coming down with Omicron doesn't sound like much fun. One of my younger employees (under 30) was home for three weeks with "O." So far, I've avoided it.

Hope all is well with you otherwise! Do stay in touch as you continue your journey north.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 17 2022 :  3:12:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good to see from Darla! Hoping your move goes smoothly. I'm sure you will be happy when you can settle in one place. Best to you. All is going well here. Only milking two gals at the moment. Darla and Estella. That's keeping everyone in milk and cream with plenty to spare. They do pretty good. The weather is off and on, warm then cold, today a high of 19 and tomorrow in the 50's. Spring is just around the corner, and I'm ready to see green grass again.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2022 :  2:13:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I recognize that refrigerator Janet. Nice to see yours so full of awesomeness. What is in the bowls on the bottom shelf? Cream? We have three of those refrigerators full of everything from milk to vet supplies to flour to mothers to apples from our orchard. You name it, it's probably in one of them.

Well, Rosetta isn't pregnant and now it's time to stop trying unless I want a winter calf, which I don't. The last AI technician we had out seemed to know how to handle a heifer. She was fast and wove the wand through Rosetta's cervix lickety split. Unfortunately, we were late in her cycle (no mucous) so I'm game to start trying again late next summer. In the meantime, more halter and milking parlor training for Rosetta.

It's supposed to get down to 5 degrees Monday night. We still have some snow so I guess winter isn't wanting to move on yet. I did get my peach and apricot trees pruned last week on a sunny, gorgeous day.

I started taking reservations for my B&B February 1 and it's totally booked already--the last half of May, all of June, one week in July, all of September and the first week in October. I didn't book guests the last three weeks of July or August because of how hot and dry it was last summer. Also, with so many forest fires, the air was full of smoke during that time.

I ordered 125 native prairie plants for planting mid-March. I have two packages of honey bees ordered and a few thousand Mason bees ordered. At least I can think spring. We're working on the June/July issue of my magazine right now. That's one was to immerse yourself in a soon-to-be season.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2022 :  3:03:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, the refrigerator was your tip and it's worked wonderfully. The bowls are the milk/cream. The cream separates to the top and then I skim it off in the morning and put into quart or pint jars. Then the remainder is milk and I pour into the half gallon jars. Sorry about Rosetta not taking. I didn't AI my other girls because I didn't want winter calves either. I will see how things are this summer and then decide if I will AI them or retire them. It was 10 degrees here this morning. Suppose to be 62 for high tomorrow. Wow, sounds like the B&B will keep you hopping. Love ordering prairie plants and watching them take off. That will be exciting. Yes, thinking spring. I went shopping for more houseplant to fill another living wall box. Need to get some pepper seeds started. I have Pilgrim goslings coming in April and I ordered a couple pkgs. of honey bees also. My the winter has passed quickly. Well, best tend to supper. May your weekend be a pleasant one.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  05:22:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm doing some remodeling so in the ceilings near a couple of new walls I thought to put a couple of outlets to perhaps power grow lights for possible living walls, per your inspiration. Yours looks so inviting.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  07:51:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm really enjoying my living walls. They are filling in nicely, with new growth, which pleases me beyond words. I did put up some grow lights, but I really think the plants are doing fine without them, and my house is dark much of the time unless the sun comes out. I just feel better being surrounded with plants. And that's literally. Lol. I have even grounded my birds nest fern, thought it could use a little boost. I hope you enjoy yours when you get it done.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  08:09:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope to get another one built today. It's 12"x 40" so not as wide as the other two. More plants bought and some I had that I repotted to fit in the living wall frame. Mostly for shady or low light, however I have some that require bright indirect light that are doing just fine. Some still in the box I brought them home in. Different colors, and textures. One plant called "kitten ears" fuzzy leaves. And a plant just because I liked the way it looked. So I have plenty to get done. Best get at it. I want a little time to watch the eagles since it's a warm day.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  12:46:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Plants do have a calming, centering effect. Not to mention they help purify your indoor air. Yours are gorgeous Janet! I totally get it.

Speaking of eagles, we've had a bald eagle take up residence here. Sometimes I'll be sitting at the kitchen table and it'll go by. Or when I'm on the couch. Or when I'm standing outside talking to someone. Just a big, dark shadow and then an upward swoop--HUGE wing span. It's the first time I've ever seen an eagle here. I keep telling Jasper he's no match for an eagle and to please be careful. I have only 3 chickens left. I've had the same three for close to a year, so I've started warning them also, since they're free range. We're going to add to our flock and pick up 6 baby chicks the first part of March.

Do you have an eagle nest perhaps? Where are they from your place?

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  1:21:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There's an eagle nest about a mile east, can see if from the highway, and they have a favorite tree down by the pasture they like to sit in. They are doing courtship flights and they are something to see if you ever get the chance. I watched a pair this past week do their courtship turns in air and it's so cool to witness. I've been going down to the pasture everyday lately just to watch them and take photos. Adults and Juvenile eagles.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2022 :  1:25:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I see them daily here. Flying overhead or down by the river. Juvenile. A pair in courtship flight.Adult. Never gets old.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 21 2022 :  10:23:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
MaryJane, how are your honey bees doing? Yesterday was 64 degrees and I didn't see any cleansing flights which is highly unusual when it's this warm. It's pretty nice out today also, so I thought I had better check on them. Not one hive is alive, and still with full supers full of honey. Only thing we can figure out was the cold snap that hit. Even the horizontal hive is full of honey and no live bees. Disheartening to say the least. I may order another pkg. or two besides the two I already ordered. So disappointed. And all that honey! I wonder if it has to do with all the crops that surround us that get sprayed year after year.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 21 2022 :  11:10:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, not all the hives thankfully. I hear bees buzzing inside a couple of the hives, so maybe they just think it's too cool. Usually on warmer days they do cleansing flights. I'll give them a couple of weeks and see what they do once it warms up and stays warm for more than a day or two.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 21 2022 :  12:53:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I know your discouragement. After working so hard to create new hives using queen cells, moving nurse bees, catching swarms, etc., I had 8 thriving hives die last winter still full of honey. And insulated too. In talking to some commercial beekeepers in my area, they said it had to do with the up and down weather that winter and it hit them too. I wonder lots of things, mainly I think that perhaps the bees they're farming now might not be as hardy as they used to be because that way we come back every year to buy bees! I never had so many overwintering problems 15 years or so ago and had hives that lasted and lasted. If anything there was more chemical use back then (certain chemicals are now banned). Then again, maybe it's something else.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 21 2022 :  3:18:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Love your eagles BTW. I wish I had a nest I could visit and observe!

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 22 2022 :  03:32:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, Joe and I were talking about that, we didn't have such loss years ago. We could watch the cleansing flights in the early spring, now we're at a place where you may not have any hives survive the winter, so strange and disheartening. Good thing we don't give up easily. Just try and hope for better each year. Sad part is they make all that honey to survive winter and then they don't get to use it. Certainly be plenty for the next honey bees this spring. So onward and forward. Yes, the eagles are so regal and a delight to watch. But as you know I'm a bit "birdy" so enjoy most birds and raptors.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2022 :  02:58:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
MaryJane, I see what you're asking now. The bowls in the bottom of the refrigerator are empty, but I put them in there to keep them cold so when I pour milk in the bowls it will hasten the cooling.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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7074 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2022 :  05:17:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not even sure where I picked them up, but I've had several stainless steel bowls your exact size for many years. I use them for many things and love how light-weight they are and their size and how little space they take up when stacked. And yes, the fact that you can easily pre-chill them. I like pre-chilling mine when making pie crusts. And for lids, I have white china plates that fit on top of them perfectly.

The thing about the large commercial refrigerators like we have is keeping them full so that when they go through their daily defrost cycle, the chilled milk, etc. holds the cold. Looks like yours stays plenty full!

I'm making sure my girls have extra bedding with how cold it is right now. High winds w/windchill were predicted but so far, it's been still.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2022 :  07:05:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, the stainless steel bowls have been great. When my gals are dry, I put my small milk cans in the commercial refrigerator too help hold the cold when I'm not having milk. It works wonderfully. -1 degree here this morning. Sun is shining so up to 6 and a high of 14 today. I will be working inside greenhouse and house today. Don't look like I will have to buy any geraniums this spring. I've got new ones coming up all over. Thrilled. I bring the larger ones in and enjoy the blossoms and then propagate new ones, then bring in another and so on.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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11218 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2022 :  09:37:03 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote I can still remember riding to town in my grandparents car, taking cans of milk to the creamery. Milk was put into milk cans and would sit on the back porch until time to haul to town. Eggs were put into flats in large boxes and hauled to town also. Quite different from the way things are done now for sure.

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown

Edited by - NellieBelle on Feb 23 2022 09:41:27 AM
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