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499 Posts
Posted - Jun 25 2017 : 10:08:57 AM
All though I do not have my cows yet, I did grow up with every ruminant out there. My dad would go to the auction and come home with a load of calves he bought for $1.00 a piece. They would have the worst case of scours you could imagine. Here is what we did, and never lost one. This can be used for calves and cows alike.
A cup of Kaopectate, and a 1/4 cup "Blackberry Brandy" Yep, you read that correctly. This was handed down to my dad from and old timer, and never failed. We did this twice a day for 2 days. Use your drench gun. It can be mixed together.
I have a ram who for no reason, had not been moved or had a feed change, got the cow poops. I gave him 30 cc of Kaopectate and 10 cc of Blackberry brandy and he was over it in less than 24 hours.
You can get the gallon size Kaopectate from farm supply stores or order online. It is much cheaper than small bottles from the store.
I keep the brandy in the refrigerator. A shot to calm your nerves during this isn't a bad thing either:)
Here is a good link about scours and calves. Scours can kill!!!!
To Succeed In This Life You Need Three Things: A Backbone, A Wish Bone and a Funny Bone. As quoted by Reba McEntire |
7074 Posts
Posted - Jun 25 2017 : 10:24:48 AM
Fantastic article Darla. Printed and saved. In fact, pinned to my bulletin board. And your recipe is awesome--tried and true. I fully intend to give it a whirl if I ever get scours, I mean, one of my calves. Although, come to think of it, it might work for people. Thank you, thank you! |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
11218 Posts
Posted - Jun 25 2017 : 11:29:01 AM
Thank you for sharing your information Darla. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
7074 Posts
Posted - Jun 25 2017 : 12:32:00 PM
How is Millie, Janet? Her tremors worry me. I appreciated the way the article described the different colors of scours, etc. Jake was laughing at me last week because early in the morning I saw gray matter on Anna's face, scraped some off with my gloved fingers (I'm almost always in a pair of nitrile gloves) so I could look at it better. Next, I smelled it, then looked at Maybelle's backend. Yup. But like your vet said, it cleared up that day. The only time I've had really bad scours was with Ester Lily when I was bottle feeding her and before we put in drain tile so she drank some stagnant standing water over in the far ditch. I couldn't get her scours cleared up after about a week so I took a sample to WSU. She'd contracted a good case of giardia. Even so, Dr. Parish told me to hang in there because the cure for killing giardia was even worse. I did lots of probiotics, some electrolytes in her milk and within a week she managed to kick it herself but it was a lot of work. I had to isolate her and clean everything constantly. I assume she picked it up from the wildlife around here because none of the other cows showed any symptoms. Given the nature of cows relieving themselves e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e., it's a wonder it doesn't happen more often than it does. I think I should revisit my cow nappy idea. |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
11218 Posts
Posted - Jun 25 2017 : 1:32:06 PM
Millie is walking around some. After giving the electrolytes I haven't seen any more leg jerking or tremors. Drinking water on her own and licking the Redmond Rock and taking baking soda freely. I was just out working in the cabin and I saw her pass another watery stool. There is no blood, just loose grayish in color. Dickens I believe, is more from his castration, dehorning, vaccinations ordeal. And Millie had her vaccinations and it invariably throws their systems off. So, I'm hoping that she will work out of it like the vet said or he may be getting a call tomorrow. I'm more of the "less is more" thinking. Too many remedies may just mess them up more, so I'm watching and waiting. Ready to step in if need be. As long as she isn't down and out I will wait. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
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