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7074 Posts

Posted - May 17 2016 :  9:30:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Kulning (pronounced just as it looks) is a Swedish term that describes a unique form of singing used by Scandinavian herding girls who live in the high mountains with the dairy cattle during the spring and summer months. Think Heidi.

The herding girls who drive the herds to the summer alpine pastures live in relative isolation and use kulning to communicate with each other and with their flocks over great distances,” explains musician and self-proclaimed history geek, Sheila Louise Wright.

“It is used to send the herds out in the morning, to call them back in in the evening, to entertain oneself while alone in the forests and meadows, as a means of scaring off predators, and as a means of communication with other herders.”

Families would traditionally have their own signature songs that were recognized by their herds. Wouldn't it feel amazing to be in a beautiful setting with only your cows and belt out the sound of kulning? I'm game. How about you?

Here are a couple kulning renditions:

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~


11218 Posts

Posted - May 18 2016 :  10:56:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I could see where this would calm herds, especially if they become familiar with the particular person doing it. Its mystic, and relaxing. I'm game. I can just hear Joe now, "What's that noise yur-a-making?" Sounds like you stepped on the cat's tail. Best do it when he is away. ;)

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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3197 Posts

Posted - May 18 2016 :  4:35:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
that's really pretty. i can see the cows loving it, probably makes more sense to them than learning "my words".

lovely video! and lover boy will t hink i am off my rocker, but i already sing to my cows with my nonmelodious voice so i am willing to do anything.

Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy")
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