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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hugho Posted - Jun 23 2020 : 09:53:38 AM
Hello MJ and forumites. Long time no post. Daisy blesed us with a heifer on 28 April. I spent $100 to have sexed semen AI and this time it paid off in a lovely calf who is coming up to 2 months. Her horn buds are just showing. What are my options? It looks like we are too late for dehorning paste? My only excuse for this delay in doing something is that I had a hip replacement which tends to slow you down.
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Boots&Flipflops Posted - Jun 23 2020 : 12:29:54 PM
Congratulations on your little heifer.
I agree with MaryJane whole heartly. Have an experienced person do the job. If it were mine I would go with the cauterizing. I haven't dehorned calves since high school, but remember how some would bleed horribly.

Hope the hip is doing good, and you recover from it 100%

Have a Great Day
maryjane Posted - Jun 23 2020 : 10:47:58 AM
Hello! Congrats on your heifer. At this point, you'll need to have her horns removed/cauterized. Just make sure whoever does it gets after the entire bud area so you don't have pieces of it that will still grow. In my experience, it takes someone who pays attention to detail and goes around and around the bud with great care. Also, make sure you find someone who will numb the area first, otherwise it's brutal. It isn't something that can be done haphazardly if you want full removal.

I just realized that my latest heifer was also born on April 28. Mine is homozygous polled, so no procedures for her.