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 Hilda sold.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 18 2024 : 12:58:36 PM
Having to downsize our cow family is never easy, but necessary. I sold one of my heifers. We called her (Hilda), but the family who bought her changed her name to Willow Ann. She was 6 months old and sweet little heifer, but I can't keep them all. She is just a couple counties away and I hope they have many good years with her. She loaded up without any trouble. I said my goodbyes and away she went.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 29 2024 : 05:04:06 AM
Hilda Matilda. You don't hear that name much anymore. Although I think there is a children's book by the name Matilda, or maybe a show. Not sure. Anyway it's unique and I like it.
maryjane Posted - Feb 26 2024 : 05:55:58 AM
Thank you for suggesting my book, Janet. Much appreciated!! Good luck sweet Hilda. BTW, my mother's grandmother (her mother's mother) was named Hilda Matilda.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2024 : 04:01:20 AM
She went to a good home. I suggested they get your book, Milk Cow Kitchen if they wanted to get started right. She contacted me and said she got your book. Her kids love her.
maryjane Posted - Feb 22 2024 : 08:00:11 AM
That's never easy, especially when they so innocently load to leave all they've ever known behind. It is comforting though to know you've provided yet another family with a cow.