T O P I C R E V I E W |
maryjane |
Posted - Feb 10 2021 : 3:15:55 PM He's back! Ole man winter. I walked up high on our prairiescape ground today. Weather is dropping into the single digits so my walk was invigorating. Nothing a cup of tea can't fix.

Picked up another milk customer this week who said she and her husband LOVED the taste of the milk. Don't I know!!!!
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Feb 22 2021 : 04:53:56 AM Good morning MaryJane! My little hen sat on the eggs and four out of the seven she was sitting on were fully developed but the weather in minus double digits wasn't conducive to hatching. Too bad, but warmer weather will come soon and then she may try again. I guess I could have brought her into the basement but I didn't. Just one more thing to tend to that I don't have time for. We received 7" of snow yesterday and spent the late afternoon digging out. It was beautiful. Today is to be in 40's so it will soon melt. Then comes mud. All the pup/dogs are doing great. They love all of this snow. The homemade meals are working great as well. Instead of complete raw and dog food, now I'm following your helpful advice and suggestions and they are doing well. Nellie didn't come in heat this time, which means all four of my gals are pregnant. Going to be a busy year. Hold onto your milk bucket!!! This week we are to be in the 30's and 40's and it will certainly be a welcome change. Your cheese sounds wonderful! Well worth the wait.
maryjane |
Posted - Feb 22 2021 : 04:38:05 AM I have a similar hen, a black bantam Old English. That girl loves to sit on eggs. She's gone missing for weeks at a time, off in the deep grass "sitting." The last time it happened it was close to two months so I was sure she'd been eaten by a critter, but then one day she showed up again, looking pretty good actually and not at all bedraggled. This winter she isn't sitting and seems healthy and happy. How is your girl doing? Did her babies survive the cold?
Yesterday, Nick and I cut into a 3-year old wheel of our cheddar cheese. Talk about sharp! But it's excellent. Nick said it's the best cheese he's ever eaten.
How are your three pups doing Janet?
It's warmed up here, in fact, all the snow we got is melting. I hope it's a slow melt so we don't get flooding. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Feb 14 2021 : 10:27:44 AM -11 this morning, and it looks like our high will be -5 today. Definitely cold, and the bit of breeze makes it brutal. Love the picture of your crock pot dinner. I put a roast in crock pot yesterday and we had hot beef sandwiches, last evening and probably today. I have a Bantam, Old English hen sitting on eggs in this cold weather. They must be close time for hatching as she's been on them a couple of weeks already or more. I doubt they survive unless I actually get them once they've hatched. Just keeping things as warm for everything as best we're able. We are to have a high of 15 Weds. That will be a nice and welcome change. Keeping the stove stoked. |
maryjane |
Posted - Feb 14 2021 : 09:14:57 AM Is it any wonder that my normal day starts at 4 a.m. also unless I have a project that needs attention, then it's a 2:30 or 3 a.m. start? I'm definitely an early to bed, early to rise type.
Tonight's crock pot dinner about to spend its day simmering.

Snowy and cold here, single digits. Cows seem fine. And chickens. Water pipes are staying intact. Lots of snow shoveling though. Supposed to be snow off and on all week but somewhat warmer.
NellieBelle |
Posted - Feb 11 2021 : 03:26:26 AM Good morning! Beautiful view! We're in single digits also. And -12 has been our coldest lately. One really has to dress for the bitter cold. Animals are covered in frost in the morning. I believe we have another week of the really cold and then hopefully things get back up in the double digits. I've been getting up at 3:00 a.m. to prepare dog meals and new puppy needs to be let outside. He is going longer between outings which is nice. I'd like to get back to my 4:00 a.m. start to the day. Congrats on the newest milk customer. I have a friend that sends "milk mail" in her return box of empty jars. Then I write a note back if (I have the time), and place it in her box of fresh milk on return. Other than the cold temps things are going okay here. Can't believe it's Thurs. already. |