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Posted - Jan 11 2018 : 10:31:26 AM We have had our 10 month old heifer for a week now. She is a real sweetheart and I have been showering her with attention and treats and today I paid the price. While mucking out the manure I turned my back and suddenly had forelegs on my shoulders! I yelled "NO!" and continued on. She tried it again and I tapped her on the nose. Mary Jane said my little teen queen was probably in heat. I had no idea and thought she was too young but I have learned a lesson. The farm rule is never turn your back on our Ram and now I guess I need to add a codicil to that rule for heifers. She has been bawling for the last day or so and maybe that is reason.
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - Jan 13 2018 : 3:30:16 PM Yes to keeping a calendar record of the heat cycles...
I also giggled to myself when I read this ... I simply cannot imagine only yelling "No" and then TAPPING my 8 month old Jersey heifer, BlueBell, on the nose if she had her forelegs on my shoulders! I'm impressed with your self-control and handling of the situation. My heart would probably be racing off the charts!
Posted - Jan 11 2018 : 10:45:39 AM Start keeping an estrus calendar on her, because she'll do it again in approx. 21 days. It'll be handy to have when it comes time to breed her and you have to schedule an AI technician. Mooing and mounting and being rambunctious in general are classic indicators.