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 Monday, Oct. 16

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Boots&Flipflops Posted - Oct 16 2017 : 09:18:13 AM
Ever have one of those weekends where you work so hard that Monday you wake up and swear someone ran you through a commercial wash machine and you have the bruises to prove it? It has been busy, but productive. That makes it all worth while.

Glad to see everyone is doing well. Always lots going on here. Cows, birds, plants, future hunters:)

Lambs and Pomegranates are going to be keeping me busy here in the near future.

Spoke to my oldest daughter yesterday on the phone. Mom, do you realize Christmas is in 72 day. OMG, No I didn't..... More to add to the list.

Hope everyone has a Wonderful and Blessed Day!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Oct 16 2017 : 6:44:37 PM
It helps that I made a pact with the adults in our family a dozen years ago not to exchange gifts. Just the kiddos. Plus, their parents insist upon a limited # of gifts. It all started with the Butters clan when I sent homemade fruitcakes to everyone in my family and became known thereafter as the fruitcake sister to my brothers. Nary a card after that:)
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Oct 16 2017 : 11:24:36 AM
Your shopping will be done by the end of the week? {:-
(that is a scrunched forehead with my tongue sticking out)LOL
maryjane Posted - Oct 16 2017 : 10:52:12 AM
Sorry about your bruising weekend, Darla.

Speaking of Christmas, Nick and I went Christmas shopping yesterday. Honest Abe. We hit the toy section at Costco, stopped for lunch, drank lattes, essentially taking the afternoon off. We have a few more things to pick up but by week's end our Christmas shopping will be done. Yay!

Lucas and Megan got his parents moved into their new lovely house-with-a-view of the entire Snake River canyon. They're in Clarkston, WA (30 minutes away) which is I think only 800 feet in elevation so they hardly ever get snow, or if they do, it melts right away. Perfect for retirees.

Well, Ashley has a hair net on today. That can mean only one thing, CHEESE!

Megan and I went for a long walk early this morning, wandering around in the fields that surround our place.

txbikergirl Posted - Oct 16 2017 : 09:44:58 AM
good morning!! trying to pop in a bit more as i have been so out of it. yes, christmas is on the horizon. everyone in our extended family is so excited about christmas this year, now that little ones are in existance once again... lots of planning, fun, etc.

off to get the kids - have a GREAT day ladies!