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 UPDATE: Checking in from Mr. Cassidy Butters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadebg1988 Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 3:51:40 PM
Went out today and grabbed some pictures of Cassidy, Everyday he impresses me more and more with how stunning of an animal he has become.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Mar 10 2016 : 4:48:39 PM
Cute little thing! Thanks for the perspective. Butters-cup looks like a keeper.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 10 2016 : 04:09:31 AM
Momma looks concerned Kade. Cute little Butters-cup.
kadebg1988 Posted - Mar 09 2016 : 11:20:03 PM

This has been our smallest calf to date, she was 31 lbs at birth.
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 09 2016 : 4:33:42 PM
kaede it really is a "cup" of love, a teeny tiny cup. just so sweet looking.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 09 2016 : 12:29:26 PM
How small is your smallest calf?
kadebg1988 Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 4:54:44 PM
All Dry and the smallest calf we have ever had born.

CloversMum Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 1:17:44 PM
Congratulations! That is pretty exciting news! And what a fun time to have a calf right before your daughter's birthday.
maryjane Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 10:02:25 AM
"Cup" of love.
kadebg1988 Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 09:56:01 AM
Thank you everyone, we've decided on the name UDF Cassidy Butters~Cup
maryjane Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 08:55:15 AM
Yes, congratulations on another heifer! I'm with Janet. Names?
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 07:32:11 AM
Congratulations Kade, to you and your daughter. Names?
kadebg1988 Posted - Mar 08 2016 : 07:04:30 AM
Yes he was used on all the heifers this year and we were not sure if he had got them settled as it was very cold when we were breeding, which can in turn cause decreased semen production. BUT we had bred him last fall to my daughters heifer Tiger Lily and this AM we welcomed a new little Cassidy daughter, which was born coincidentally the day before my daughters B-day. An early present for our sweet girl.

CloversMum Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 1:22:25 PM
Have you used him to breed any of your cows, Kade? Offspring yet? I can't remember the timing on everything and how long you've had Cassidy. He is a beautiful looking bull.
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 06:51:24 AM
He sure is gorgeous!
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 02 2016 : 4:15:51 PM
he's got a kissable face! i just LOVE the bulls mary jane is producing, they are so gorgeous!