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 Crafty Milk Cow Kitchen doll.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 1:57:30 PM
MaryJane, something that may be fun for kids, is to laminate their "Milk Cow Kitchen" cow, and then cut aprons out of fabric of their choosing, laminate and put those velcro dots on and they can interchange the aprons. Every cow wants a change of apron. :) I didn't have any velcro dots on hand so sewed a piece of velcro to apron and cow for a sample. They can decorate with lace, ric-rac.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 7:11:58 PM
Like the Milk Cow Kitchen cow, "thumbs up!"
maryjane Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 6:08:40 PM
Fantastic idea Janet. I'm on it!!!!
txbikergirl Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 4:27:25 PM
ok janet, that is way too cute! you have such great ideas!
Sydney2015 Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 4:07:21 PM
Great idea Janet! I love it, so cute.