T O P I C R E V I E W |
maryjane |
Posted - Jun 26 2014 : 2:27:49 PM Here is a current photo of my bull Beaumont, with almost no trace of his horns that were removed two weeks ago.

25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
CloversMum |
Posted - Jan 31 2016 : 9:53:28 PM And, thank you, MaryJane, for helping to lead the way for honesty and higher standards. Thank you, thank you. |
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 5:55:34 PM I agree!! Thanks for the update! |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 5:07:16 PM All I can do, or any of us can do at this point is to push for higher standards and put honesty on a pedestal. |
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 3:57:40 PM I decided to check out this thread again. Did you ever resolve the issue MaryJane? I was looking at a few websites, Sure Shot Ambassador is still on her website. She has changed a tiny bit. Not much at all, no DOB. I did find him on one more website:
http://www.southhousefarms.com/miniature-jersey-cows.html |
Caren |
Posted - Dec 17 2015 : 08:43:23 AM I agree, a lovely memory. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Dec 16 2015 : 8:14:09 PM I echo Cindy's and 's comments. It is a beautiful way to remember Beaumont. |
txbikergirl |
Posted - Dec 16 2015 : 5:57:41 PM not the desired end result of your Beumont dreams, but boy what a positive aspect to the whole experience. its lovely mary jane. and the trailer is a fitting tribute to the boy. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Dec 16 2015 : 11:47:03 AM What a cool advertisement for your Yellowstone Coach trailer. And how much more special to have Beaumont back home and still "giving." What a kind and warm memento of Beaumont. Back near and dear to MaryJane's Farm. |
maryjane |
Posted - Dec 16 2015 : 09:44:39 AM Beaumont came home yesterday. When I took him to WSU to be euthanized because of his severe hip dysplasia, I decided at the last minute to ask Dr. Parish if he would prepare his hide so that I could have it tanned. I didn't want his life to be a total waste. I dropped it off at Moscow Hide and Fur more than a year ago. It takes them a long time to properly tan a hide. They do meticulous work. It's perfect in every way. The bill was $190.

He'll reside in a 1953 Yellowstone trailer that I'm remodeling.

CloversMum |
Posted - Jun 16 2015 : 08:33:08 AM Remembering to check the age of the AI bull is very important for those of us that might need to use AI. I would hope that more demand for proven, older bulls would help to phase out the less than desirable ones and their breeders. So the consumer must be just as responsible as the producer. |
happyfarmwife |
Posted - Jun 14 2015 : 4:08:04 PM AI bulls should be over 24 months of age before being collected...Some breeds require bulls to be even older than that to make sure that genetic and other health issues have time to come to light to prevent reproducing undesirable traits. However with the fad phase of mini cattle and especially mini dairy cattle, the pressure is there to make as much $$$$ as possible without consideration for the long term affects of that behavior! Greed motivates some people and factors in above all else!
We want to be able to stand behind what we breed for the long haul....many breeders are only looking at the "cash cow" so to speak....
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Jun 14 2015 : 3:20:10 PM I checked, the date of birth or the age of every bull they own is on there, all except that bull. The youngest(other than the bull you used) is 18 months. |
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Jun 14 2015 : 3:02:26 PM MaryJane, I saw their website a few months ago, I saw what she said. |
Ron |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 06:42:04 AM Hmmm. Wonder if there is a market for stuffed parakeets? |
Mike |
Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 03:12:20 AM Hugs and Kisses, Maryjane!!!!!! I was about ready to give that semen to the dumpster! I will get you photos of the 'herd'. |
maryjane |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 08:53:48 AM Mike, Riverview marketing and record keeping are the main culprits with what they sell, not so much the results of their tampering. I've posted lots of pics of the udders on my cows that came from Riverview stock. They are fabulous, like the udder and teats on Etta Jane who I recently sold. Miss Daisy's are fabulous also and she came from Riverview semen called Margarethe Dairyman from the UK. I arrived at those udders by doing essentially what you have access to. Good standard stock coupled with Riverview semen. Etta Jane birthed two heifers here, I'd milked and trained her during those years and sold her pregnant again with Samson. The heifer between those two (that I still have--10 months old) seems perfect in every way. I had my doubts along the way because of the misleading marketing. I encourage you to hang in there. You have some good genetics if you want to sell smaller stock. If not, you can go back to Grassway. I'm sure they have a handle on semen. Or you can try Samson. Keep in mind that genetics and training go hand in hand. |
Mike |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 07:53:09 AM Comments sure welcome. Some days I get so frustrated with 'mini' that I want to chuck the whole thing and start raising stuffed parakeets. |
Mike |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 07:51:39 AM Any comments on Riverview bulls and semen? Is that farm part of the problem? You can email if you like, <mikerock@mhtc.net>. |
happyfarmwife |
Posted - Jun 08 2015 : 07:23:37 AM My recent contact with the owner of the contributing bull confirms the song and dance given. She refuses to communicate via email or put anything in print to me in regard to her bull, she will not give documentation of his parentage or his genetic purity from the Jersey breed. Her term "foundation" mini Jersey doesn't impress me....I want to know where those bulls came from!
I'm a pedigree person and like to follow particular lines that I have represented in cows I know or like, would love to own, have owned or currently own......and I wanted to know what lines of Jersey produced the bulls she markets. The bulls seem to materialize on her farm and are now "foundation" Mini Jerseys.....I'm sorry........that is not the way good breeding happens! I feel there is more ugly in the woods than we may want to uncover... I have raised horses for most of my adult life. A wonderful old gentleman I met at a breeding clinic 20 years ago shared the following. He said if you want to succeed in the breeding industry, build a big fancy barn and do lots of high dollar advertising. With enough promotion and presentation people will pay big money to breed to your gelding!(the horse version of steer)..... I have considered that statement often and just went through an experience with a dear friend and her dairy goat that shows the value of the above sentiment.
I just returned from spending 4 days at a far away dairy goat show. Our friend and neighbor has a very impressive looking dairy goat buck that she is wanting to promote. She has shown him a number of times and he's big and correct in all the traits that seem to be the benchmark of an outstanding dairy sire. He won handily in the big show and came home a permanent champion. Problem is I know his dam. She sported a lopsided udder with poor fore udder attachment and milked poorly(volume) and was a high maintenance type animal. Now the doe is deceased so she can be presented to the public in a certain way and nobody can prove otherwise. So as big and handsome as that buck is......I would never breed to him because I know what his dam is/was. However, the woman who owns him can afford to travel and promote and campaign him and advertise so I'm certain he will have a lot of offspring in coming seasons. Breed to that buck and what are you going to get???????With a really nice doe, he will certainly produce nice frame, good feet and legs and correct "type" but will the offspring inherit his dam's poor milking ability? Her poor udder attachment? Her lopsided/uneven udder? On paper, the buck has all the "right stuff" from show animals.......and there are some production animals in there too. But just because he is highly advertised and campaigned and wins a lot in the show ring does NOT make him a good dairy sire!
SO I guess the best we can do is remember BUYER BEWARE and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably will bite you in the end....
With the serious aspect of the mini bull, the word needs to go out.......and if the owner truly stands behind what she sells and promotes, then transparency is required! Show sire, dam, pedigree, longevity stats.....etc. There needs to be some documentation that shows where that bull comes from........what Jersey lines?? What farm? What caused that line to throw back to old Jersey type........IF he is really Jersey there is proof!
One more story and I'll quit.... Neighbors had beef cows...they had several Hereford cross cows and one spring they had a dwarf bull calf born to one of the mostly Hereford cows(dwarfism shows up in the breed). The little bull was cute as he could be as a newborn....He was sort of yellow and white marked like a traditional Hereford with some hints of evil lurking in his genetics. As time passed it became obvious that he was a dwarf. At weaning time they took him to a small sale barn that sells exotic livestock including mini cattle, buffalo etc. Because of the "cute" factor that tiny dwarf bull sold for $550. This was about 15 years ago and I'm certain that someone purchased that bull for his size with plans to use him as a potential sire of downsized cattle.
Remember, I'm very very pro artificial insemination because it allows us to breed to the best animals in the world not just the ones within driving distance or the best bull we can afford to purchase. But on the same note, we are really careful to purchase only from reputable breeders that are very OPEN and TRANSPARENT with the animals they offer. That being said, the all-mighty dollar rules many people and when a new trend comes on the scene, the vultures are circling and honesty and truth go on the endangered species list! |
Ron |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 11:14:32 AM You have a great way of putting things so nicely and yet informatively...thank you.
Guess out here in the wild would have marked the deceiver a d&@# head and moved on....( oops ) |
maryjane |
Posted - Jun 06 2015 : 11:03:02 AM Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. Call me a dreamer, but I hope to play a part in helping end the cattle hustle that's out there. I was naïve and vulnerable once, too. Plus I continue to get too many heartbreaking phone calls from people who've bought a cow they can't possibly milk or they’ve been misled in some other way. It isn’t enough for breeders to merely birth a future milk cow, even if from good stock. Heifers have to be worked with from an early age. Or if purchased from a larger dairy, have learned what their role is from the rest of the herd.
Recently a woman called who'd paid $5,000 for a pregnant heifer that can't be touched, let alone halter broke (the man who sold her mentioned she'd have to do that but “it's never been a problem with any of his cows, etc.”). The heifer paws the dirt and acts like it will charge anyone who gets inside the fence and in fact injured the woman early on and now she has what isn’t even close to the “dream cow” she told she was buying and she has no idea what to do with it. The guy who delivered the heifer to them had every excuse in the book for the heifer’s behavior, and even stayed for lunch (we both agreed, that somehow makes it even worse).
Another woman called me about six months ago to say she'd just bought a cow/calf and she’d been told I'd raised the cow and could I give her some advice. What she bought was a total fabrication.
And the woman who tried to argue in favor of the Ambassador semen she'd used (somehow her statistical advantage was extremely high), soon after offered her Ambassador-bred heifer for sale at just a few months of age for $4,000.
Fearing your bottom line when you realize you have a problem is fairly universal (cars, etc.) but making the decision not to pass it on (sell it to the next guy) and to make sure problems and potential problems are disclosed takes some class and gumption and it's something we need to shoot for and encourage and reward--lots of kudos to those who disclose. Sadly, not everyone has that as a goal.
I've been thinking about Beaumont lately because he would have been such a good match for my new little Ester Lily (coloration, size, etc.) Not to mention there is such a tremendous amount of effort that goes into a pregnancy through AI and the $ involved and the long wait for the end result. In addition to the hip dysplasia problem, the semen used (Lemvig Jacinto ET) to produce the bull that produced the semen I purchased, is on a warning list from the UK for another genetic issue, a mutation that affects fertility. http://www.ukjerseys.com/jh1c/index.html
The problem with raising your hand and speaking out about a particular problem is the bullying you might have to endure. (I wonder if there are bullies in the UK—everyone seems more adult about it over there from what I can tell.) I posted what happened to my bull here and contacted two other people who were promoting his semen on their websites.
The response below almost seems like some sort of marketing effort. Or maybe it’s a way of saying to anyone else who might speak up, here’s what will happen if you do.
*******New Information on our Bull Ambassador******* A few months ago, Mary Jane Butters from Mary Jane's Farm Magazine began an internet assault against me, my business and my cattle. She has made statements about this bull that are untrue, unsupported and unfounded. Although her statements might seem legitimate upon first hearing them, I can assure you that none of her allegations have any merit and I have retained an attorney to begin legal action against her. There are two sides to every situation. We are currently using this bull in our breeding program and he has given us some incredible calves and we are looking forward to many more. If you have been contacted by her regarding this matter, I respectfully request that you contact me directly at 303-931-9950 to discuss any concerns you may have. I am very interested in hearing how you were contacted and what was said. As you can see we have very beautiful, high quality cattle that are all genetically tested and free of disease. I look forward to hearing from you.
There wasn’t and isn’t any legal action, nor could there be. What still hasn’t been said is why Ambassador was put down at such any early age, nor his vet records provided. Wouldn’t that be an easier route to take? All I wanted to do was let people know that I lost an AI bull calf to severe hip dysplasia (mine was the first calf born from this bull) so a watchful eye was going to be important, like determining over time the genetic jaw thing you mention. If you’re breeding because you love the breed, you love animals, and you want people to have a positive experience, then public disclosure matters. A watchful eye matters. Discussion matters. I’m hopeful that not just money but honesty can be bred into our endeavors.
happyfarmwife |
Posted - Jun 02 2015 : 8:58:14 PM The saddest part of the Beaumont story is that the seller of the semen most likely knew there was a problem with the bull in question and rather than be honest and open with the potential problem, chose to continue selling the semen and disposed of the "evidence".......and yet still selling semen!
Recently, my husband and I helped at a friend's dairy goat Linear Appraisal and the judge/inspector was awesome! His first suggestion on breeding is "Don't follow fads!" and the second suggestion is: "GO see the sire in person, LOOK AT HIS OFFSPRING, look at his dam, look at his sire!" PUT YOUR HANDS ON THEM! and don't breed to anything just because of a single trait or characteristic and DO NOT FOLLOW FADS!!!!
We use artificial insemination and have been very very pleased with most of the offspring we have produced. However, one rare dairy breed has some less than desirable traits that showed up in some of our calves....an abnormality in their lower jaw.....and we contacted the seller of the semen and that bull is no longer available for breeding! Evidently we weren't the only person who reported some issues.
A responsible honest breeder that believes in what they are offering for sale, wants the long term experience to be a good one! That breeder has earned our respect for their devotion to the breed and their dedication to offering nothing but exceptionally good genetics!
The main thing to remember is that just because there is semen available from a trendy highly advertised animal does not mean it's a good AI sire! The almighty dollar controls most people in a way honest people cannot understand.
I guess it's truly "BUYER BEWARE" even when it comes to semen for your dairy cow......As a result of the issues we had, we are now breeding to a different bull(from the same breeder) and we are thrilled that the breeder wants the breed to succeed and is not strictly focused on the $$ represented!
We looked into breeding to a mini Jersey bull because there is such a high demand for very small cows for small farmsteads. Then we looked at our girls and realized that mid-sized Jerseys are usually a perfect "fit" for the average farmstead.....and our little girls are so sweet and nice they deserve a long-term/permanent home with a good "match" of home and cow! Quality, quality, quality........not just tiny size should be our focus........And we refuse to breed for a single characteristic and want to consider the "whole cow" aspect of breeding!.....
So sad that all the hopes and dreams of the beautiful Beaumont were in vain..... |
Ron |
Posted - Oct 14 2014 : 2:42:36 PM Well I guess the off the rocker crew will be a full porch. Just look out for squirrels. Lol |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Oct 14 2014 : 12:12:56 PM Yes, I'm pretty sure that would be the one that sends me away for good, so guess I will stay home with my girls. LOL. I think it sounds wonderful. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Oct 14 2014 : 09:02:02 AM My family always teased me that when I went camping I would bring everything, including the kitchen sink! (But who would they come to when they forgot something??) Now, if I told them I wanted to bring Clover, they would definitely think I was off my rocker!! :-) |