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 MaryJane's Buttermilk Biscuits & Chicken Soup

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 10:54:25 AM
Now this is a great dinner ... so warm after a cold day! Hot chicken soup with a milk base, buttermilk biscuits, and homemade butter. None of this would have happened without my cows!! I thoroughly enjoy being able to make such nourishing foods right from our little farm.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 1:59:21 PM
They look great! Can I have some?
CloversMum Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 9:29:39 PM
Ice cream is on our menu this weekend! Homemade from our Jersey milk!
maryjane Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 05:58:23 AM
I know what's on my menu for this coming weekend. Doesn't the melting butter put your salivary glands into high gear? My grandgirls love buttermilk biscuits slathered in butter.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 04:21:27 AM
Looks yummy Charlene. Family, warm soup and biscuits, warm fire, beautiful cows that just keep on giving...
CloversMum Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 8:21:03 PM
Well, to be honest, not every member of the family thinks soup as divine food! So, I'd best be making more Jersey ice cream to make up for it!

txbikergirl Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 4:52:21 PM
wonderful charlene! you are such a blessing to your family making such divine food, and the cows are such a blessing to you. we are salivating over the photo in east texas.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 4:05:12 PM
And, I'm sure when it is your own cows' milk, then the butter has only half the calories ... hence, the more than generous helping of butter!! :) Thank you, Andrea.
Andrea0509 Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 4:00:20 PM
The buttermilk biscuit and chicken soup look simply amazing Charlene, yum!! And to know your cows were part of that process makes it even more special :)