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 May Flowers all year long

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - May 21 2022 : 04:18:21 AM
We finally had some warmth yesterday. Only two days ago it was snowing. The forecast looks promising.

Miss Daisy's udder is starting to fill out. She's due June 7.

Our first B&B guests of the season are here. They have to keep their wood stove going and sleep under an arctic down comforter, but our tent cabins are plenty warm if you attend to the fire.

I've been drying my spring flowers in silica. I can't believe how well it works. I began the project so I could capture my prairie flowers for year-long enjoyment. Lenten roses dry remarkably perfect. And daffodils. Also, most of my prairie flowers.

So far we've received half our rainfall for 2022, which is a good thing. Everything is beautifully green and lush.

I haven't been able to plant anything in the garden, but all of my starts are still doing well indoors. I hope to plant my onions this coming week.

Bees are all fine. I had red ants for the first time marching up the legs of the hives so I put some plastic platters (sold for beneath house plants) under each leg and added mineral oil. That stopped the ants. But I noticed some of my bees dying in the oil so I rigged up some cardboard disks hooked to the legs about an inch up from the mineral oil. That stopped the bees from perhaps thinking the oil was water. They've managed as best they could in the cold. It'll be nice to see them really get busy this week. My mason bees haven't been as affected by the cold.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - May 24 2022 : 12:43:18 PM
MaryJane your tent cabin sounds cozy and sure your guest are loving the experience. Cool here today. Trying to rain and hope it does. Busy here with planting garden and tending to all the animals. Flowers are beginning to show off and it's just lovely. Some of the garden is up already and I'm sure rain will help it along. Lush and green and beautiful to see. I haven't dried flowers in silica in years. That will be fun and such a pretty bouquet they will make. Partial to prairie flowers. Well, time is flitting. Back at it. Will be awaiting Miss Daisy's little arrival.